Looking over my shoulder at the milestones on my path, one thing stands as constant: nothing is so sweet, so fun and so fruitful as working in creative partnership. And so at last, the Bicycle Buddha is ready to hit to the road, in tandem! With my co-bicyclista and dharma sista, Red Sara.
This Canada Day holiday Monday, Red and I will lead a ride to discover some of the Buddha’s East Van hangouts. It’s a tasty sampler plate of buddhist flavours, from ancient Asian to contemporary DIY, including Yanviriya Thai Temple, the Tilopa Centre, the Dharmalab, and Mountain Rain Zendo. We will ride from place to place in noble silence, exploring cycling as meditation. We will attend to whatever arises: the uphills and the downhills alike, returning always to breath.
Events that bring together a wide diversity of people in chaotic chemistry carry huge power. This is how magic happens. We’ve invited a broad range of folks along for this ride, from our many intersecting circles and the circles that intersect with them. East Van artists and hipsters, bikeshop boyz’n’grlz, friends and family, and all of our motley sitting and riding sanghas. Michael and Kate, the priests of Mountain Rain zendo, will be along for the ride (not wearing their robes). RSVP’s are not required, so we have no idea who or how many will show. The weather is uncertain. Anything could happen.
I am SO PUMPED! Here go the Bicycle Buddhas, rubber to the road.
Details: www.velopalooza.ca/event/bicycle-buddha-ride
Bicycle Buddha article in The Georgia Straight: www.straight.com/article-708876/vancouver/velopalooza-rides-meditative-new-route