i am digging the mobile technology. mesmerized by the subtle elemental equations. The weight, the colour, the materials, shape and motion.
the kitchen mobile was bicycle spokes and red embroidery thread, small arborite counter sample tiles in oak panel and leather and high-gloss black, terracotta and luscious deep red. And tiny wooden clothespins. And best – bouncy rubber eyeballs from the dollar store that i painted black, and used to counterweight the ends of the spokes. Sticking spikes through the center of the rubber irises was a macabre thrill.
the dharmalab was all white balls and bamboo, l.e.d. laser finger lights and discarded computer heat-sinks used as counterweights.
And these things spin in delicate counterbalance. and every time i change one tiny thing, everything shifts and i have to change everything again. it is an endless task, focusing on something that is so very simple – but simple things are multidimentional, and it takes a very long time. for whole blissful moments i completely disappear, and there is nothing but time and space and light.
watch em spin: