I was struggling with the notion of compassion. How, I wondered, does “may I be free of suffering” lead to compassion? I didn’t understand, how aspiring to alleviate my own suffering, could relieve the suffering of others. Then one day, as I was sitting up by the Buddha on the hill, a lovely mutt with …
Category: Dorje LIng
Nothing to show
This is what i have to show, for these past five months which passed like water. during this time i have not watched a movie or read a novel, a newspaper or a magazine. have not surfed the Internet, have not listened to music, written many words or painted many pictures. have made very little …
Unconditional happiness
This is the goal now: unconditional happiness. Without money or goods, or property or progeny; without lovers or partners or family or friends. Without accomplishments or monuments or trophies or tributes. Without health or mobility or comfort or rest. Any or all may arrive and be welcomed. But I will be happy. I deserve nothing …
Monk pesto
To make Monk Pesto: 1. Find all the pieces of the blender in the shed; clean and reassemble. 2. Stuff into blender: -Basil grown in a pot from little plants brought by Wendy. -Parmesan left behind by Shulamit. -Organic garlic found in the cabin. -Sunflower seeds from the large bag left by a hostel guest. …
All the ladies in the house
The Babbling Buddha draws a stream of wondrous wayward women. They wander up the path, every fourth or fifth in tears – as I was, when i drifted under those prayer flags for the first time. Blinking, slightly shell-shocked. And fuck-it-all, free. I offer them a bed and a cup of tea, and then leave …