Category: Dorje LIng

Dorje LIng, Life of Carmen, Uncategorized

All the ladies in the house

The Babbling Buddha draws a stream of wondrous and wondering women. They wander up the path one by one, every fourth or fifth in tears (like me, when i drifted under those prayer flags for the first time). Blinking, slightly shell-shocked. And fuck-it-all, free. I came home to meet Elena and Apple sitting at the …

Dorje LIng, Life of Carmen, Uncategorized, Zen & Dharma

Talking down a dragonfly

I am noticing how finely attuned my senses are right now, to the sounds, the smells, the buzzing life of the earth all around me. I went into the Meditation Hall, knelt by the altar and said my prayer: Until I awaken, I take refuge in the buddha (the light within), the dharma (my teachers …