Dorje LIng, Life of Carmen, Uncategorized

A perfect day for gratitude and goodbye

This morning I was knocked ass-over-teakettle, by a giant wave of gratitude for all the marvels of this highly imperfect life.

I rode down to Dorje Ling to bring Kenny a newly knitted pair of fingerless mitts – marked by holes and bumpy stitches, highly imperfect, Dorje Ling style. He was glad to see me and I to see him. But he was, he is – KennyLa, the Babbling Buddha.

Dorje Ling was beyond glory with the sun breaking low above the snowy mountains, there are no words. And again I was so grateful, for all the challenges and gifts of Kenny and of this wild fantasy that i stepped into and made real. And I knew then, that I would not be going back to Dorje Ling. I accept, I release.

Can it be possible that appreciation makes it easier to let go?

Thank you, thank you and goodbye.

One Commnet on “A perfect day for gratitude and goodbye

  1. yes, knowing that you were interwoven with that place for a time makes it easier to move on because you can return to it when and if you need to in your imagination. i’m feeling such gratitude for this rich life i have, such awe that we are conscious beings on this blue jewel floating in space. every moment and every place on this earth is sacred…
    hugs, Carmen.

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