This morning I was knocked ass-over-teakettle, by a giant wave of gratitude for all the marvels of this highly imperfect life. I rode down to Dorje Ling to bring Kenny a newly knitted pair of fingerless mitts – marked by holes and bumpy stitches, highly imperfect, Dorje Ling style. He was glad to see me …
Category: Life of Carmen
What did one Buddhist say to the other?
I’m on a binge, knitting and listening to Lama Marut audios. He is just so funny, so humane, and so brutally straight-up no-bullshit Brooklyn buddhist. I am noticing how many good buddhist dharma teachers are in fact hilarious – timing and delivery and laser-sharp observations, like the best standup i’ve ever heard – and some …
Knitting mittens, making websites
Ravelling and unravelling, I screw it up, rip it back, start over again. The first one takes forever, the next one only half of forever. I badger my mentors, ask stupid questions, receive patient instruction and tips. Obi Nine guides me through yet another unfathomable server labyrinth and the wool lady gives me a special …
Lend it, spend it, give it away
Money needs to keep moving. Money is energy and like fat molecules moving through the bloodstream, it needs to be constantly flushed and recycled. If not used it clots and festers and ultimately shuts down the system. Keep it flowing. Lend it, spend it, give it away. Money karma comes around fast and just because …
Here I am
I am here, I am here, I am here. Committed. To the wind and the rain and the darkness, the stillness and the silence and the boredom and the fear. To learning. To rest. To service. To biking the hilly unpaved roads. To knitting mushroom-dyed wool and drinking hot chai by the woodstove. To writing. …