Category: Life of Carmen

Aging & Dying, Bicycles, Life of Carmen, Politics & Activism

Robin under the hawthorn tree

We buried Robin’s ashes yesterday in the roots of a black hawthorn tree out behind the Gumboot. As the tree went into the ground three eagles circled overhead, and it being Roberts Creek, a few lazy dogs and feral children wandered through the circle of held hands. Someone blew marijuana smoke from a fancy glass …

Bicycles, Life of Carmen

When I am no longer angry at car people

When I am truly without anger toward people who own cars I will know that this buddhist stuff is really working. It’s hard. I’ve never owned a car, but I still have to look at them, hear them, smell them, pay for their infrastructure, and avoid being crushed by them every day. They don’t do …

Culture and Art, Life of Carmen

My valentines party

I am fantasizing a Reclaim Valentines Day party. A party dedicated to love, without the mating-and-dating imperative. All the fun of 2nd-grade V-Day minus the popularity politics. Here’s how it goes: It has the essential bones of my favourite party-type endeavors: an intimate and funky space like the Dharmalab, a few choice dance-crazy dj’s, possibly …