So during a break at this weekend’s Duncan Lamapalooza, I dashed up to Geshe YongDong and announced – GesheLa, I finished my 3,000 mantras! He beamed and gave me a high-five. “Finished? Great! Keep going. Do 10,000.” he said, turning on his heel and rushing off. Grrrrrr.
Category: Dorje LIng
3,000 mantras
Ah-kar ah-med du ti su, nag-po xi-xi mal mal…so, ha! Done. 3,000 healing mantras, counted out on my brown wooden mala. It would have gone faster if I muttered my way through them, but when i chant them i feel the vibration through the top of my skull. But Geshe YongDong directed, for chanting, “say …
Guests at the Meditation Hostel
Cheryl left this morning on her scooter. A cheery and funky North Van bikeshevik, she pitched her big yellow tent on a platform and relished the rain and the deer bounding through the forest. Wendy is still here, a brisk British “karma yogi” who finished a stint at Hollyhock and then stayed in the cabin …
Kenny takes a fall
Yesterday the Buddha was out on the deck of his house chasing Kasha the karmic kitty. He leaned on the railing which – surprise! – gave way. The Buddha did an aerial 360 and fell 12 feet, landing on his back with his legs in the blackberry bramble and his upper body on the deck. …
The Babbling Buddha
The Babbling Buddha built Dorje Ling. Kenny is a failed monk and a drunken saint, now perched unsteadily on the wagon. An infuriating red-haired, red-skinned whirlwind. Dorje Ling is his heart, offered up as a gift of pure love. Dorje Ling is a wabi-sabi dharma ranch and a tumbledown hostel, a waystation for dharma bums …