She did not go gentle into that good night, oh no. A windstorm took her head off and her body soon followed. When she fell this 700-yr-old grandmother fir shook the ground, swiping the power lines and taking the island down with her. We were 30 hrs without power, the silenced grid a soft blanket. …
Category: Life of Carmen
The perfume of fear
A woman in a red bikini drifts toward the sandbar on a grey inflatable dinghy. The lagoon at low tide a playland of clam-diggers, happy dogs, and children with float toys. Bikini lady is shrieking at the top of her lungs: noooooo!!! I’m SCARED! help me help me help me! Laughter mixed with shrill mock-terror. …
How serious is serious?
So I just got back from this wonderful road trip with my, uh, guyfriend. To visit his mom. In California. I say this, and people give me this peculiar piercing look. Then they ask me, is it serious? And I am flummoxed. I mean, what is serious? Liver cancer is serious. Babies are serious. Anything …
Living the semi-wired life
Unwiredness is one of the luxuries of life in my green schoolbus on the bluff. No wifi, no smart phone, no wires. I have a battery-operated radio but the reception is crap. When I want to hook up I carry my computer down the cliff trail and along the ocean boardwalk to the farmhouse. It …
Mothers Day post-partum
Whew [mops brow]! I’ve just delivered a whompin’ 10-megabyte blog. This baby’s been at least five years in the belly so, it’s about frikin time. Gonna get some sleep now. Happy Mothers and Non-Mothers day everybody! Check it: