Ravelling and unravelling, I screw it up, rip it back, start over again. The first one takes forever, the next one only half of forever. I badger my mentors, ask stupid questions, receive patient instruction and tips. Obi Nine guides me through yet another unfathomable server labyrinth and the wool lady gives me a special needle for tucking in the ends. I feel like I’ll never get it and then I do get it, a bit. And then I forget, drop a stitch, erase the code, lose my way. Rip it back a few rows. Make a cup of tea. Start again.
I just finally finished my first pair of fingerless mittens. Made of local sheepswool thick oily and brown. I wore them out to the woodshed to get logs for the stove, air clear and cold and the stars so bright.
Beautiful and practical.
Thank you Heather! praise from the knitmistress herself: http://truestitches.blogspot.com/