Category: Culture and Art

Culture and Art, Life of Carmen, Uncategorized

Why I don’t do facebook

Some people can drink wine with every meal. Other people are alcoholics. Me, I can’t do facebook. There are FB-haters out there with many sound reasons to criticize the giant social media octopus – the best one, to me, being that it is a closed-source corporate entity whose sole reason for existing is to collect …

Culture and Art, Karmic Economics, Life of Carmen, Uncategorized

Knitting mittens, making websites

Ravelling and unravelling, I screw it up, rip it back, start over again. The first one takes forever, the next one only half of forever.  I badger my mentors, ask stupid questions, receive patient instruction and tips. Obi Nine guides me through yet another unfathomable server labyrinth and the wool lady gives me a special …