Category: Politics & Activism

Aging & Dying, Life of Carmen, Politics & Activism, Zen & Dharma

Remembering Tammy Fudge

I remember Tammy Fudge. That really was her name. As if that wasn’t enough, Tammy was gangly and awkward and kind of funny looking. She had no friends. If you sat beside her you wouldn’t have any friends either. You knew that in that dangerous and delicately balanced pre-adolescent universe, to befriend Tammy Fudge would …

Bicycles, Culture and Art, Life of Carmen, Politics & Activism, Zen & Dharma

The Bicycle Buddha rides!

Looking over my shoulder at the milestones on my path, one thing stands as constant: nothing is so sweet, so fun and so fruitful as working in creative partnership. And so at last, the Bicycle Buddha is ready to hit to the road, in tandem! With my co-bicyclista and dharma sista, Red Sara. This Canada …