Category: Life of Carmen

Life of Carmen, Uncategorized

Feeling in dreams

Between the madness of early morning birdsong, the braying of neighbor’s donkeys and peacocks, the pink-gold sunrise streaming through the forest into my bus, and the intermittent hot flashes where I wake all sweaty, mop down get chilly bundle up and go back to sleep — odd and intense dreams keep me entertained. Sleeping in …

Life of Carmen, Uncategorized

Corn on the cob

One of the perks of my Hollyhock hosting gig is, I get dinner. Dinner at the Hock is a big deal. It is gorgeous mostly-vegetarian fare: breads fresh from the oven, organic vegetables from the over-the-top garden. Sauces and spices and flower-topped salads tasting of earth and heaven, tempting to gluttony and abandon. Last night’s …

Life of Carmen, Uncategorized

A long walk for a short swim

In the heat of the afternoon I rode my bike to the K’was Park trailhead. Into the shade of the boreal rainforest I hiked through deep fern valleys and dense stands of fir and cedar, watched over by old-growth giants miraculously spared. The sunlight marbled through the cool canopy, footsteps soft and slow, grateful now …