Category: Life of Carmen

Culture and Art, Life of Carmen, Uncategorized

Chicklit my ass: an apology to Elizabeth Gilbert

I just finished reading The Signature of All Things, the new novel by Elizabeth Gilbert. I polished off that huge whomping five-pound hardcover late last night. I had to, because it was due back to the library today. You know, there is a hold queue on that puppy six months long, and it can’t be …

Life of Carmen

It’s my potty

“Where’s your bathroom?,” asks a visitor to my little green schoolbus-home in the forest. Ummmm….well, that depends what you have in mind. If you want to take a bath i’m afraid you are SOL, but there is a lovely ocean right at the bottom of the bluff—warmish, by Canadian (not Carribean) standards. A shower? The …