I am so all about the post-breakfast power nap. Here’s the routine: 5am wakeup bell, zazen, kinhin, zazen, service, cleanup, breakfast, NAP! The nap can be up to twenty minutes, or as few as seven or ten if I’m in a rush. But that’s all. No longer, or else I feel groggy and am back …
Category: Life of Carmen
Dreaming of a small world
I dream of a world where people live small. It’s happening. It’s a meme. Small houses, small gardens, small vehicles, small pleasures. Small incomes. Small needs. My path is to live and to model that life. Enrich my networks. Take care of what I have and get rid of what I don’t need. Place myself …
The monkish (married?) life
I’m living the monk’s life in my green turtle bus, up on the bluff over the lagoon. Wake up, chop wood and carry water, wash my panties in a pail and hang them to dry in the sun. Sit a bit, stretch a bit, watch the tides roll out and in. Out, and in. Soak …
A little pink notebook
I am having an identity crisis in the fancy-ass stationery store on Granville Island. A little pink notebook is messing with my head. You see, I am the Kind of Person who carries a notebook all the time. It is the repository and record of my life, from to-do lists to major epiphanies. I get …
Thanksgiving Dinner
Thanksgiving dinner was potatoes, omelet, and kale. Potatoes rough and fragrant from the now-sleeping beds, boiled, fried in butter, with pepper and salt. Eggs gathered in a basket from the United Nations of chickens, green and tan, blue and pink, freckled, and brown. Folded with onions braided onto a string. A few cherry tomatoes, wet …