I’ve been holding the hands of my friends as they try to absorb the funding cuts to the arts, and the steady decline of sales of concert tickets and cd’s. I see the grief in their eyes – who will get laid off, what will be cancelled? – and I don’t usually have the courage …
Category: Life of Carmen
Back on terra urbana
Touched down last night in the People’s Republic of East Van, after six months on Cortes Island. And everything is exactly the same, except for me. I wake up on my old futon at 6am, to sounds of muted orgasm, distant alarm clock chimes, and the rasping chorus of westbound crows. My apartment is clean …
Why I don’t do facebook
Some people can drink wine with every meal. Other people are alcoholics. Me, I can’t do facebook. There are FB-haters out there with many sound reasons to criticize the giant social media octopus – the best one, to me, being that it is a closed-source corporate entity whose sole reason for existing is to collect …
Snowbuddha here but us chickens
Easier to make than a snowman – you only need 2 snowballs (plus a tiny topknot). I like to leave a trail of tiny snowbuddhas…plant them on people’s porches and car sideview mirrors. Spread the meme.
How I got rich
I am a rich person. I own almost nothing – never have, and probably never will. My income is so tiny that when I file my dutiful tax return I always worry that they won’t believe my numbers. And yet, I have everything I could possibly want. I have access to spaces and opportunities all …