So it appears I am going back to the desert – the HIGH desert! – and soon. As per insistent nudging, cajoling and ass-kicking from the Universe, I will fly off on August 15, to the Upaya Zen Institute in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Where I will undertake a three month Path of Service position, …
Category: Life of Carmen
Tabling for dummies
Quick tips for how to run a successful INFO TABLE or flyer a crowd at an event humbly offered up by ME! Tabling or flyering can be a very effective way to promote your issue, organization or event. It’s also a fun way to participate in events, with a cozy place to hang out …
Hopeless for hockey
I surrender, I cave. I do care about hockey. I kind of–well, I confess: I kind of love it. I’m a hockey nut out of the closet. I love the sound of the game – the icy echo of the crowd, galumphing organ music, smack of sticks, thud and rattle of bodies against wood and …
Hockey Night in EastVanada
I really don’t care about hockey, but I’m a sucker for the neighbourhood hype. I figure, anything that gives grown men an excuse to scream and hug each other is ok by me. It was supposed to be Hockey Night at the Appias, but next-apt-door neighbor Sean and I couldn’t resist the tug of the …
Notes from a Bicycle Bodhisattva – may all beings be liberated!
May all beings everywhere, with whom we are inseparably interconnected, be fulfilled, awakened, and free. May there be peace in this world and throughout the entire universe, and may we all together complete the spiritual journey. Once upon a time I went for a ride on Cortes Island, with a sore knee and a rusty …