Category: Life of Carmen

Aging & Dying, Culture and Art, Life of Carmen, Uncategorized, Upaya Zen Center

Lessons of Chaco Canyon

Early this morning I sat wrapped in a blanket on the frosty back patio of Querencia. The sun rose over Pikacho Peak. Ravens and chickadees chattered, dogs barked, coyotes scattered, footsteps crunched on snow. The highway woke up then too, commuters zooming through the valley to Santa Fe. Each engine momentarily obliterating the birdsong and …

Life of Carmen, Politics & Activism, Zen & Dharma

When shit happens

There is no question that my escape from  Homeland Security was partially pure dumb luck—or if you prefer, fate, or karma. Others have handled such situations with greater skill and been refused. The winds of confusion and paranoia blow in all directions and right now those winds are blowing strong in the US of A. …