Category: Life of Carmen

Life of Carmen, Uncategorized

Found my precious thing

I lost my precious thing on the Bicycle Buddha adventure last June. My little black notebook. My  archive of jots, quotes, ideas, notes, emails, maps and doodles, the random traces of my mind at work. Somewhere between breaking camp at Fort Rodd Hill and setting up my tent on the beach at the Tawous reserve, …

Aging & Dying, Life of Carmen, Politics & Activism, Zen & Dharma

Remembering Tammy Fudge

I remember Tammy Fudge. That really was her name. As if that wasn’t enough, Tammy was gangly and awkward and kind of funny looking. She had no friends. If you sat beside her you wouldn’t have any friends either. You knew that in that dangerous and delicately balanced pre-adolescent universe, to befriend Tammy Fudge would …